Oxana Savianok

Future Front-End developer

About me

Hello, my name is Oxana. I am 33 years old. I am an engineer. I design some constructions and mechanisms. I work with steel and other materials. I like my job, but I want to upgrade my skills. I want to develop all of my life.
Web programming is constantly growing and changing. I think that I can be part of it. That is the main reason why I’ve decided to try something new (rs school). I want to gain some knowledge in the front-end. And my goal is to become a junior JS developer.


Belarusian National Technical University,
Faculty of Mechanics and Technology


  • Russian – native speaker
  • English – A2 (in process). I am studing English on the YesToday course.

Code Example

                            function isPalindrome(line) {
                                line = String(line);
                                const len = line.length;
                                const lin = len / 2;
                                let i = 0;
                                if (len < 2) {
                                  return true;
                                while (i <= Math.floor(lin)) {
                                  if (line[i] !== line[(len - i) - 1]) {
                                    return false;
                                  } else {
                                    return true;